Displaying 1 - 21 of 21 in total

Introduction - On Common Ground - María E. Hernández-Torrales, John Emmeus Davis, and Line Algoed

The book’s editors explain why they decided to produce On Common Ground, what it contains, and how they hope the book will be used. They acknowledge the variety of way...

Chapter 1 - In Land We Trust: Key Features and Common Variations of Community Land Trusts in the USA - John Emmeus Davis

The global CLT landscape is one of enormous diversity, even in the United States where the “classic” CLT was conceived. Defining ownership, organizational, and operati...

Chapter 2 - The Once and Future Garden City - Yves Cabannes and Philip Ross

Cabannes and Ross revisit the Garden City, originally proposed by Ebenezer Howard over 100 years ago, to ask how his vision might be delivered in a modern setting. Com...

Chapter 4 - Making a Case for CLTs in All Markets, Even Cold Ones - Steve King

Arguments justifying CLTs tend to focus on their effectiveness in preserving affordability and preventing displacement in strong real estate markets where prices for l...

Chapter 6 - From Model to Movement: The Growth of Community Land Trusts in the United States - John Emmeus Davis

How did an experimental “model” of community-led development on community-owned land grow from a single CLT prototype in 1969, seeded by African-American activists in ...

Chapter 7 - Origins and Evolution of Urban Community Land Trusts in Canada - Susannah Bunce and Joshua Barndt (read by Bob Rose)

Susannah Bunce and Joshua Barndt (read by Bob Rose) The development of community land trusts in Canada occurred over a 40-year period in two distinct phases. The fi...

Chapter 8 - Messy Is Good! Origins and Evolution of the CLT Movement in England - Stephen Hill, Catherine Harrington, and Tom Archer

The authors are joined by five guests to map the trajectory of CLT development in England, covering three periods: “Origins of CLT thinking and practice” (1986 – 2008)...

Chapter 9 - Beyond England: Origins and Evolution of the Community Land Trust Movement in Europe - Geert De Pauw and Joaquin de Santos (Read by Michael A. LaFond)

Since the formation of the Brussels Community Land Trust in 2010, interest in the model has been steadily growing throughout Europe. The chapter takes stock of the cur...

Capítulo 10 - Tenencia colectiva de la tierra en América Latina y el Caribe - pasado y presente Pierre Arnold, Jerónimo Díaz, and Line Algoed

Muchos activistas en América Latina y el Caribe consideran la propiedad colectiva de la tierra como un factor importante para la protección del territorio primigenio, ...

Chapter 13 - A Watershed Land Trust in Honduras: Profile of Foundation Eco Verde Sostenible - Kirby White and Nola White (Read by Susan Alancraig)

Susan Alancraig is a photographer, librarian and gardener. She has lived in Honduras, was a Peace Corps volunteer in the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Uganda, has been ...

Chapter 16 - Take a Stand, Own the Land: Dudley Neighbors Inc., a Community Land Trust in Boston, Massachusetts - Harry Smith and Tony Hernandez

The rallying cry of a campaign launched by the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative in 1989, “Take a Stand, Own the Land” was aimed at forcing the transfer of 30 acre...

Chapter 17 - Lands in Trust for Urban Farming Toward a Scalable Model - Nate Ela and Greg Rosenberg

Community land trusts preserve affordability and protect security of tenure for homeowners and renters, but CLTs are not only about housing. They are also being used t...

Chapter 18 - The Best Things in Life are Perpetually Affordable: Profile of the Champlain Housing Trust, Burlington, Vermont - Brenda M. Torpy (read by Susan Alancraig)

In 1984, the administration of Mayor Bernie Sanders helped to create the Burlington Community Land Trust, the first municipally initiated and municipally supported CLT...

Chapter 19 - Stewardship of Urban Real Estate for Long-Term Community Benefit: Profile of the Urban Land Conservancy in Denver, Colorado - Alan Gottlieb and Aaron Miripol

Established in 2003 with a service area encompassing an entire metropolitan area, the Urban Land Conservancy has become a major player on Denver’s real estate scene. A...

Chapter 20 - London Community Land Trust: A Story of People, Power, and Perseverance - Dave Smith

The founding executive director of the largest CLT in the United Kingdom traces the process and politics behind the establishment of the London Community Land Trust. A...

Chapter 21 - From Pressure Group to Government Partner The Story of the Brussels Community Land Trust - Geert De Pauw and Nele Aernouts (Read by Nele Aernouts and Line Algoed)

In 2013, the first community land trust in Europe was established by grassroots housing activists in Brussels with financial support from their regional government. Ge...

Chapter 22 - The Burden of Patience in a Long March Toward Racial Justice - Tony Pickett

The African-American activists who created the modern CLT intended it to be a platform for increasing the prosperity and power of people of color. Progress has been ma...

Chapter 23 - A Reflection on the Bioethics of Community Land Trusts - María E. Hernández-Torrales (read by Susan Alancraig)

Over the last fifty years, bioethics has become one of the most highly developed fields in the study of applied ethics. María E. Hernández-Torrales applies the general...

Chapter 24 - Community Control of Land: Thinking Beyond the Generic Community Land Trust - Olivia R. Williams (read by Susan Alancraig)

As the CLT model has grown and proliferated in the United States, it has strayed from its original purpose, according to Olivia Williams. Instead of being a mechanism ...

Chapter 26 - Better Together: The Challenging, Transformative Complexity of Community, Land, and Trust - John Emmeus Davis

A community land trust is a vehicle with many moving parts, a clever assemblage of multiple adjustments to the way that land is owned, housing is operated, and a nonpr...

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